I am married to an incredible human being. I know. He's my husband and you would expect me to say that, right? Well,you have no idea...Steve has supported my hopes and dreams since before he married me. I am still in awe of his commitment to all that makes Ellie happy...
Support is an extraordinary process. A living,breathing and consistent example of love and dedication. I certainly consider it as important as any therapy or remedy I may utilize to manage and live with Depression, Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis. Perhaps even more important.
When I was diagnosed with Clinical Depression at 30 years old, it was probably not a surprise for Steve. He had been living with my undiagnosed monster for eleven years. Thus began a journey of meds and therapy he did not sign up for. Still...he loved me.
As I drowned in sorrow after a miscarriage on the heels of this diagnosis, Steve stayed right next to me. He just knew it was him, not words,I needed. I was an empty shell. The days and nights blurred. It was so dark. Still...he shined a light.
Prescriptions. Creams. Ointments. Oils. I tried every over the counter product to soothe and derail the ferocious plaque psoriasis I've had on my scalp since my teens. I was sure I would end up a large pile of snow on a sunny Florida day, unable to melt, and as obvious as the sun itself. Steve brushed my shoulders off before we entered rooms.
Still... he called me beautiful.
Still... he called me beautiful.
My position at work was eliminated and I was laid off. I loved my job and I was devastated. Still...he braced my fall.
Still...he didn't complain.

I have maneuvered through the doctors, medicines and research over the last year with
with a new found strength.Through the convalescence and rehabilitation of these conditions, there Steve has been. Formulating ideas to facilitate an easier way for me to do things I really need and want to do. Working even harder to absorb my lack of income and our increased medical expenses.

You see, he is an incredible human being. Steve is my angel. My faith tells me so. For my Father in Heaven provides for me in every way. He knew I would need a strong and faithful man by my side. His blessings upon me have been abundant.
Stay tuned, as I write about and share pictures with you of the home modifications Steve has begun to help me manage...and thrive!
I love you, Mr. Trinowski!
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