It's been awhile. Did you miss me, I wonder? I've been drifting about on the clouds of memory fog and forgetfulness that accompany conditions like psoriatic arthritis and fibromyalgia. (My family gets a kick out of my loopiness.) The plethora of doctor appointments and hospital stays have kept me pretty occupied, as well. Since autoimmune dysfunction assaulted my life, I have come to accept most things as they appear with much less stress than before. Perhaps time heals. Now if I could just remember to schedule that massage... Having been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis in 2014, I am much more invested in the reality of this disease now. I have read, asked questions, written, researched, traveled and cried. Knowing what I know now, I wish I wouldn't have been so hard on myself. A gift from my daughter, Alesha, may have been the the gentle nudge I needed to truly realize this. She gave me a rose bush for Mothers Day the same year I was diagnosed with psoriatic ar...
Grammie's Double Whammy
Psoriasis. Psoriatic Arthritis. Fibromyalgia.
Myofascial Pain. Bullous Pemphigoid.
We've gone way past a Double Whammy!
Autoimmune Disease has reared its ugly head in so many lives. Here I blog about the nature of this beast, ways to cope, and the human element that connects us all.
Follow me on this journey.